My Day with Terraform: A Journey through Learning and Implementation

Today was an exciting day as I embarked on my Terraform journey. My goal was to get hands-on experience with Terraform by creating my first AWS instance and managing infrastructure using this powerful tool.

Setting Up the Environment

I started my day by setting up my development environment for Terraform. First, I navigated to my DevOps directory on the desktop and created a new directory for Terraform projects.

bashCopy codecd Desktop/DevOps
mkdir Terraform
cd Terraform
mkdir create_first_aws_instance
cd create_first_aws_instance

Creating the First Terraform Configuration

Once I had my project directory set up, I created the main Terraform configuration file.


In, I started with a basic configuration to create an AWS instance. After saving my initial configuration, I initialized the Terraform working directory.

terraform init

Initialization went smoothly, and Terraform downloaded all the necessary provider plugins. To ensure everything was set up correctly, I listed the state.

terraform state list

Since there were no resources yet, the list was empty, as expected.

Applying the Configuration

I modified to ensure my configuration was correct and then applied the configuration to create the AWS instance.

terraform apply

After confirming the changes, Terraform created my AWS instance. I verified the state by listing it again and checking the state file.

terraform state list
ls -ltr
cat terraform.tfstate

The state file showed the details of the newly created AWS instance.

Version Control with Git

Next, I decided to version control my Terraform configuration using Git. I initialized a new Git repository and checked the status.

git init
git status

I added the file to the repository and checked the differences before committing.

git add
git diff
git status

I also mistakenly added the .terraform/ directory, which contains Terraform's local state and cache. Realizing this was not a good practice, I removed it later.

Reorganizing and Refining the Setup

To better organize my projects, I created a new directory for backend state management.

cd ..
mkdir Terraformm
cd Terraformm
mkdir backend_state
cd backend_state

Here, I created the necessary Terraform files for managing the backend state.


After ensuring the configuration was correct, I initialized Terraform in the new directory.

terraform init

This time, I correctly initialized Terraform and planned the changes.

terraform plan

Reflecting on the Experience

Throughout the day, I faced a few challenges but learned valuable lessons:

  1. Initialization: Running terraform init is crucial for setting up the environment correctly and downloading necessary plugins.

  2. State Management: Understanding and managing Terraform state files is vital for tracking and applying infrastructure changes.

  3. Version Control: Keeping configuration files in version control is essential, but it's important to exclude sensitive or irrelevant files, such as .terraform/.

  4. Planning and Applying: Using terraform plan before terraform apply helps to preview and understand the changes that will be made to the infrastructure.

  5. Organization: Keeping Terraform configurations organized in separate directories for different purposes (e.g., creating instances, managing state) helps maintain clarity and manageability.

Overall, my day with Terraform was productive and enlightening. I gained practical experience in setting up and managing infrastructure as code, reinforcing my understanding of Terraform's capabilities and best practices. I'm excited to continue exploring Terraform and applying it to more complex scenarios in the future.